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It is hard to imagine a Montenegrin from the older days caring too much for what he eats. Firstly because, with a few exceptions, he didn't have much to eat, and second since, until well into the 20th c, food was considered just as a means of survival, not for pleasure. On the other hand, in search of food people prepare meals in many imaginative ways. Bearing this in mind you will appreciate more the traditional Montenegrin cuisine which is all about simply preparing straight-forwards tasty food that keeps you well fed. The climate and geographic conditions split the land into two utterly different zones of traditional cookery: the Adriatic one, restricted to the narrow strip by the sea, and the mountains continental zone. The staple foods of the continental part of Montenegro are potato, corn, and cereals but above all the dairy products from sheep and cows, the most precious possession of every Highlander.

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Since milk was difficult to preserve it was, by and large, converted into cheese (sir). Domestically prepared cheese from a range from softer full-fat milk is still the most common type enjoyed all over the country. Its forms are not yet standardized and hence it covers a range from softer (but not creamy), young cheese (mladi) to semi-aged (stari), which is never aged to such an extent that it can’t be cut with a fork.

Montenegro Food Cheese

Recently, more people have been encouraged to once more produce prljo, a traditional soft cheese that is low in fat. Kisjelo mlijeko (literary “sour milk”) is a kind of yogurt so thick that it is eaten with a spoon. It is served with most simple meals or consumed on its own as a refreshing and tasty snack or as a starter. The most cherished dairy specialty is kajmak or skorup, a very fatty cream of a strong flavor, which is eaten on its own, mixed in many traditional meals but also added to many new dishes as a quintessential ingredient that adds that local feel.

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One of the old dishes eaten with kajmak is kačamak. It is a tasty mush usually prepared from cornmeal, similar to Italian polenta. When is referred to as "smočani" that means that it is cooked with melted cheese and kajmak. Similar to kačamak is cicvara, where flour is cooked in melted kajmak. When both dishes are well-prepared is impossible to resist them, but bear in mind that they are also very heavy and that you’ll need to be really hungry to eat a whole portion.

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Popara or masanica is prepared of stale bread, cheese, and kajmak cooked slightly in boiling water. This meal is never caught on menus as a dish in restaurants but it is frequently eaten at home. These three classic Montenegrin dishes were once considered meals appropriate for lunch but are nowadays eaten also for breakfast or dinner. To drink with these try varenika- cooked milk or grušava, its saltier, and fattier version.

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As the sheep and goats were too valuable for their milk, wool, and skin, they were rarely slaughtered for meat, which was eaten by old Montenegrins only on holidays and by the well-off. Perhaps as a reaction to this forced semi-vegetarian diet practiced for many centuries modern Montenegrins are great lovers of meat, which is often eaten on its own and in large quantities.

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The meat (meso) most commonly eaten in the interior is mutton (ovčetina) or the highly-praised lamb (jagnjetina) prepared in many tasty ways such as dried (sušena), cooked (kuvana), steamed (na pari), cooked in milk (u mlijeku) or roasted in a pot placed under the smoldering coals (ispod sača). Veal (teletina) is a more recent newcomer while chicken (piletina) and pork (svinjetina) play a minor role in traditional cookery but are found in a number of classic specialties from modern times. 

m DSC 2628 001One thing you should not miss is pršut. That is ham, salted and then smoked for a long time and served thinly sliced to enhance its delicious taste. A delicacy that never fails to delight the locals are spit roasts (pečenje). Today they are in demand at almost all celebrations while some restaurants, mostly highway inns, have built their fame around them, and despite the fact that they offer various meals most of their guests arrive only for this indulgence. The most usual type of spit roast in Montenegro is lamb (jagnjetina) or piglet (prasetina) both ordered by the kilo, which is a bit of a gamble since the meat comes with bones and other hardly edible parts.

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Bread (hljeb) in the old times used to be baked out of barley or, later, corn. Today you can consider yourself lucky if you find these, but wheat bread baked in restaurants, mostly "ispod sača", is a delicacy of its own. Proja is tasty cornbread, rich in fat, and sometimes with cheese added to it.

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Another bread-like snack is priganice, a kind of doughnut served with cheese, kajmak, honey, or jam. It is almost impossible to imagine a complete meal without the ever-popular pies (pite) such as gužvara and sirnica with cheese and eggs, zeljanica with spinach, onions, and cheese, krompiruša with potatoes or heljdija from buckwheat, which is another crop adapted perfectly to the harsh mountain climate. A special kind of pie is izljevuša whose mixed dough is spilled into to bowl and then baked.

m DSC 9449 001The most typical vegetable (povrće) in Montenegro is the potato (krtola or krompir) which was introduced in the early 19th c. From that time on enhancing the diet prevented famine in difficult years. Another well-known vegetable in Montenegro is collard greens (raštan). It is a plant of the cabbage family but of somewhat wilder appearance and taste. Cooked with potatoes and dried mutton it makes a meal of distinctive taste.

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A dish of similar taste to this one is japraci where veal and rice are rolled in leaves of collard greens. Nettles are also consumed as a delicacy, enjoyed mostly in the form of soup (čorba od kopriva). Beans (grah or pasulj) are consumed in several varieties, like a thick soup with dried meats (čorbast pasulj) or roasted with lots of onions (prebranac).

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Fish (riba) plays a minor role in Montenegrin continental cuisine since most of the areas were far from sizable rivers. However, the vegetarian fare carried through the long and strictly observed fasts in the Orthodox Church mostly before Christmas and Easter was enhanced by river and lake fish. From the native river species trout (pastrmka or pastrva) and sprouts (mladica) are the only ones to make it to restaurant menus. The situation in continental Montenegro differs only in the region around Skadarsko Lake which is incredibly rich in fish, primarily bleak (ukljeva), carp (krap or šaran), and snipe (škobalj, rarely consumed these days). The traditional way of preparing bleak is to dry it above the fireplace (dimljena) before grilling it, while carp is often fried together with prunes or consumed smoked

m DSC 3685 001In contrast to the continental part, the popular diet in the Adriatic region was always based on fish from the sea. The range of fresh sea fish in any decent restaurant is wide: hake (oslić), mackerel (skuša), red mullet (barbun), bass (brancin), gilt-poll (orada), dentex (zubatac), groper (škarpina), eel (jegulja), sole (list), etc. Sometimes they are priced by the kilo and you can choose a fish proportional to your appetite. The larger fish such as swordfish (sabljarka) or ray (raža) is served by the slice without bones. The simplest way of preparing, but also the best to retain the taste of the fish, is to grill it smeared with spiced olive oil (na žaru or more unusually sa gradela).

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As a side dish with these, you can try risotto (rižoto) sometimes also colored by squid-ink (crni rižoto), chard (blitva) with potatoes, or a simple potato salad. The other ways to enjoy your fish are pržena fried in olive oil, vinegar, and spices, then "pohovana" fried in breadcrumbs, or typically for Montenegro cooked from a pot kept under the coals (ispod sača). Fish soup (riblja čorba) is prepared from various kinds of fish cooked for the longer the better, with everyday chefs keeping their ingredients and their proportions a secret. 

m DSC 3553 001Other fruits of the sea are also frequent on menus like squid (lignje), scampi (škampi), rose shrimps (kozice of gambori), and lobster (jastog) being the usual selection. Octopus (hobotnica) can be prepared in several tasty ways but is most popular as a salad (salata od hobotnice) served as a starter. Mussels (mušlje or dagnje) are as a rule eaten "na buzaru" stewed in a tasty sauce of wine, oil, garlic, and parsley.

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The second most important ingredient of maritime cuisine is olives (masline), still grown in many areas along the coast (mostly around Bar to Ulcinj as well as on the Luštica peninsula) and this oil, is the main oil for all chefs over the Adriatic. One of the specialties here is the old, ripe cheese kept in olive oil (sir iz ulja). As with all the other delicacies from the seaboard, this mixture is also seasoned with aromatic herbs which grow in abundance on the hillsides, such as rosemary, sage, parsley, etc. These are also important ingredients in creating "pašticada", a beef stew served with makaruli-macaroni of black wheaten flour. Two specialties specific to the town of Ulcinj are bamija (okra) served with veal, and "imam bayildi"-eggplant braised with onions, garlic, tomato, and spices.

m DSC 3682 001In the last century, Montenegrin cuisine outshone its previous simplicity. Dishes from neighboring lands were adopted and others were created from local ingredients in a more modern fashion. The traditional dishes which are found all over the Balkans became familiar in Montenegro to such an extent that nobody considers them foreign anymore. One of the most popular is sarme, sauerkraut rolls stuffed with minced meat and rice, they are prepared mostly at home in large quantities and people live on them for days as it is considered that they got better with time.

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Punjene paprika is bell peppers stuffed with minced meat, rice, and tomatoes. Djuveč is a rich casserole in which you will find meat accompanied by potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, etc. Pilav is a dish of oriental origin with sliced chicken baked together with rice and onion. Sauerkraut (kisjeli kupus) is also featured as a popular winter salad sprinkled with hot paprika. Turšija is a name for various kinds of vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes) which are pickled in brine and eaten during the winter. In the summer, fresh garden salads of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and peppers are often consumed.

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The most popular amongst them is a relative newcomer from Serbia –šopska salata, combined out of all these vegetables and then covered with soft cheese. A popular addition to many dishes is ajvar, a pasty mix of baked peppers, eggplant, and garlic similar to salsa.

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The most popular soup in restaurants these days is teleća čorba, a creamy concoction of vegetables and veal that melts in the mouth. Similar to it is the mushroom soup (čorba od pečuraka) while pileća supa is clear chicken broth.

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The most-loved new arrival is grilled meat (roštilj) called commonly leskovački, named after the south Serbian town from which it gets its distinctive form and excellent taste. Almost all of the places in which you can eat will have some specialty from the grill, and though these can considerably vary in quality they are very tasty. Grilled meat Leskovac-style is also the base for many fast-food eateries and kiosks on which the young population can live for days.

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In smaller towns, the kebab grills (ćevabžinica) are more or less the only kind of places to sit down and enjoy a meal. The most popular grilled dishes are ćevapi-small minced meat rolls (usually ten of them), pljeskavica- minced pork, and veal rolls sprinkled with spices, ražnjici- slices of veal and pork grilled on skewers. All of these are eaten with large amounts of cropped onions (crni luk) but in simple places that is all you will get with them so you should opt for a salad on the side.m DSC 6668 001There is an enormous number of Italian restaurants in Montenegro and on top of this usual non-national type of restaurant also bases its menu on various pizzas, pasta, or lasagna. Note that many of the original Italian recipes have been remodeled slightly to suit local tastes better, which in most cases means more meals at fat. Others are more fully out of local specialties such as kajmak, kulen (spicy sausage), pršut, etc., and offer an interesting crash course in the flavors of Montenegro. The new dishes prepared with traditional ingredients are a regular feature of all menus. Njeguški stek is veal filled with njeguški pršut ham and feta or some other cheese. Similar to it is popeci (sometimes additionally labeled podgorički) –veal stuffed with cheese and ham, fried, and breadcrumbs.

m DSC 8040 001The list of deserts in most restaurants is not particularly inventive: ice cream (sladoled), fruit salads (voćni kup), pancakes (palačinke), and similar. The situation is better in pastry shops (poslastičarnica) where you will find a mix of sweets influenced by Vienna and those oriental origins (baklava, kadaif, tufahija, urmašica …). In older establishments, you will also find boza, a refreshing drink made out of cornflour.

Montenego Food Pastry Shop Bakeries (pekara) in Montenegro have grown into a distinctive brand visited in the morning, at midday, or late at night primarily for the reason of obtaining a cheap and tasty snack. Bakeries served almost exclusively a wide array of salty pastries, though some have sweet ones too. The major test of any bakery is its burek, a greasy round pie with meat, cheese, and mushrooms, or with no feeling consumed traditionally with yogurt sold on the spot. Other snacks found here are pogačice (small leafy bread), pite (classic pies in many variations as well as croissants, sandwiches, or even slices of pizza. 

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Considering all eating habits in Montenegro vegetarians will not have an easy time. Only the better restaurants will have a vegetarian menu. In some, you will be able to compile a meal of salads and side dishes, and in others, especially in smaller establishments and in far-flung places, trying to order a non-meat dish is going to raise eyebrows or will even be considered as next to impossible.

m DSC 3834 001The best-known drink of the Balkans is rakija, a generic name for a potent spirit distilled from various kinds of fruit. Making one’s own rakija at home is still a matter of pride for any respectful rural household, resulting in a great variety of tastes depending on the quality and skills of the maker. In the region where the vine is cultivated one makes lozova rakija (called simply loza by those who feel more familiar with it), prepared from grapes and similar to Italian grappa. The distinctive taste of Montenegrin lozova comes from the indigenous grapevine variety vranac but those made of other grapes can be equally tasty. The one brand synonym with Montenegro is “Crnogorska lozova rakija” produced in large quantities by “Plantaže” from Podgorica and found all over the country. You can’t really miss it and, in any case, to spend your holiday in Montenegro without savoring this drink would be a great pity. Two more prestigious brands from the same producer are “Previjenac” and “Kruna”. Other rakija made in Montenegro is šljivovica from plums, kruškovača from pears and kajsijevača from apricots.

m DSC 3705 001None of these are branded but they can still be found on the menus of many restaurants. The climate is favorable for growing vineyards found only in the coastland and around Lake Skadarsko. The most popular region that kept its production is Crmnica, around the town of Virpazar on Skadarsko Lake, though its output is also only a fraction of what it used to be. The two domestic sorts are native to the area dominate vranac and kratošija. Vranac (“the black one”) in particular has grown to be associated with Montenegro.

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It is a wine of dark ruby color, with a robust and full-bodied aroma. This is also the wine offered in many restaurants in this region under the name domaće (domestic). The main producer of wine in Montenegro is the one state-owned “Plantaže” company with its huge vineyards in Ćemovsko polje (Ćemovsko field) south of Podgorica. Here they produce an array of red wines such as the “Crnogorski vranac”, “Crnogorski cabernet” and “Crnogorski merlot”.

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White wines are represented by the native sort of this warm, lowland area “Crnogorski krstač”, which is grown nowhere else in the world, as well as  “Crnogorski Chardonnay”, “Crnogorski Sauvignon” and “Podgoričko bijelo” (white wine). The 0.7 bottles are filled with premium wine while the one-liter bottle is filled with quality wine. The large production of these fine wines fully covers the needs of Montenegro and you will find them in all shops and restaurants. “Trebjesa” in the town of Nikšić is the only brewery in Montenegro but its “Nikšićko pivo” beer is of such quality that one tends to look no further. Apart from this palatable lager it also produces an excellent tamno pivo (dark beer) variety as well as premium “Nik Gold” and light “Nik Cool”.

m DSC 8131 001The origins of medovina (mead) go back to the early middle ages when this alcoholic beverage of fermented honey was made and consumed by the old Slavs, who were celebrated as the most skillful beekeepers in Europe. The high pastures with their many aromatic flowers are still ideal for bees and the recipe for mead has not been forgotten. This sweet but refreshing drink is found in many national restaurants but you can also savor it from many individual producers. If you purchase a bottle of two of medovina pay attention because unless kept refrigerated the fermenting process will continue and it will become fizzy and eventually undrinkable.

Montenegro Food Medovina DrinkA drink inseparable from a friendly chat in a street café or at home is coffee (kafa) which is as a result drunk in large quantities all over Montenegro. Coffee is also the drink you will be offered upon entering someone’s house and with which each meal is usually rounded off. Until not long ago, when ordering “a coffee” you would without any doubt be served a strong, black coffee, called Tuska (Turkish) or just crna (black), made out of grounded coffee beans added boiling water in small copper pots called džezva

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Upon ordering, it is customary to specify the quantity of sugar you want slađa a for sweet, srednja for medium, gorča without any sugar-otherwise you will get sugar to sweeten it yourself. In cafes caring for old-time customers, the coffee will be accompanied by a glass of cold water and in some places even with a piece of Turkish delight. Nowadays it has become more fashionable to drink espresso and you will find that many trendy cafes and restaurants won’t go to the trouble of preparing Turkish coffee. Nes (kafa) is a generic name for all types of instant coffees, regardless of the brand; you can order it hot (topli) or cold (hladni).

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Montenegrins are very fond of mineral water (kisjela voda) and there are several domestic brands around like “Rada” from Bijelo Polje. The mineral water will often be served with a glass or rakija of coffee. Asking for water (voda) will usually get you to tap water and to order bottled water ask for flaširana voda.

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